Forehead wrinkles


Price forehead wrinkles treatment


What are forehead wrinkles?

The name says it all: forehead wrinkles are the wrinkles on the forehead. Often, they are a few horizontal lines that become visible when you raise your eyebrows or frown. Over time, they can become permanently etched into the forehead. This happens faster for some people than for others. This can be due to factors like genetics or sun exposure. Whatever the cause, Botox in the forehead can help soften the lines.

Why treat forehead wrinkles?

Benefits of forehead wrinkle treatment

  • Softens wrinkles and lines: Bocouture relaxes the muscles in the forehead, causing horizontal wrinkles and fine lines to fade. This provides a smoother and more youthful appearance.
  • Prevents further aggravation: VReduce ear wrinkles with muscle relaxants voorkomen dat rimpels dieper worden of permanent in de huid komen te staan.
  • Short and easy treatment: The forehead wrinkle treatment is quick and easy, with minimal downtime. You can quickly return to your daily activities and see full results after a few days.

Treatment: 10 min.

Type injectable: Botuline toxine

Result: After 2 weeks optimal

Repeat advice: 3 times a year

Effect: Average of 3 months

During the treatment

Forehead wrinkles treatment

We can reduce forehead wrinkles with botox. This relaxes the muscles in the area, making it harder for you to raise your eyebrows. This will fade wrinkles and you will end up with a smooth forehead. At the start of the treatment, the skin is thoroughly disinfected. Your practitioner will draw a few dots at the places where the injection will be done. The Botox is injected here, this is virtually painless and you only feel a few pricks. The treatment only takes fifteen minutes in total.


Before and after results forehead wrinkle treatment

The difference between before and after a forehead wrinkle treatment is clearly visible. Before treatment, deep, horizontal lines can give your forehead a tired or aged appearance. These wrinkles are often caused by frequent muscle movements, such as raising the eyebrows.

After the treatment, the wrinkles are significantly softened or even disappear completely, making your forehead look smoother and fresher. The skin looks firmer and your expression remains natural, but without the disturbing wrinkles. This result remains visible for several months, after which a new treatment may be necessary.

View here onze vor en na resultaten van de voorhoofdrimpel behandeling!

After the treatment

How much does it cost to treat forehead wrinkles?

The recovery after treatment for forehead wrinkles is short, but there are some things you should take into account. At first the forehead is a bit red and perhaps swollen. That will go away quickly. Leave the area alone for the first few hours. Don't touch it or wear makeup yet. Avoid sweating and do not exercise or go to the sauna. In short, just let the botox do its work.

In addition, you are not allowed to go into the sun or use a tanning bed for the first two weeks. This can speed up the effect of Botox, which of course you don't want. Furthermore, you can quickly resume your daily activities. Please note that it may take several days before the results are optimally visible. So patience is important!



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