Nasolabial fold filler


Price nasolabial fold filler


What is nasolabial fold filler?

A deep nasolabial fold can make you look tired. Fortunately, we can do something about it!

The nasolabial fold, also known as the smile line, is the deep line that runs from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. As we age, this fold can become more prominent. Nasolabial fold fillers are injectable fillers that we use to fill and soften the lines, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance, counteracting a tired look. Sometimes, we also recommend adding volume to the cheekbones and/or cheeks, as this has a lifting effect on the nasolabial fold.


Why nasolabial fold fillers?

Benefits of nasolabial fold filler

  • Reduction of wrinkles: Fillers for the nasolabial folds can help soften deep lines and wrinkles, giving your face a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
  • Natural appearance: The nasolabial fold filler treatment is designed to provide subtle and natural results, without excessive fullness or unnatural effects. This helps to reduce a tired appearance.
  • Direct results: After the treatment, you will see an immediate improvement in the lines and wrinkles of the nasolabial fold.

Treatment: 15 min.

Type of injectable: Hyaluronic acid filler

Result: Immediately visible (after 2 weeks optimal)

Effect: Average 6 to 9 months

During the treatment

How does the nasolabial fold filler treatment work?

During the nasolabial fold filler treatment, a hyaluronic acid-based filler is carefully injected into the nasolabial fold to restore volume and smooth out the lines.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that attracts and retains moisture, helping to keep the skin hydrated and plump. The treatment usually takes no longer than 20 minutes, and the result is visible immediately.


Before and after result of nasolabial fold filler

Our nasolabial fold treatment with fillers shows impressive before and after results. Fillers in the nasolabial fold help smooth the lines between the nose and lips, addressing deep wrinkles around the mouth or a tired appearance. Our customers' experiences with the nasolabial fold filler are very positive!

View here onze voor en na resultaten voor de neuslippenplooi filler behandeling!

After the treatment

Aftercare nasolabial fold filler treatment

After the nasolabial fold treatment, some side effects may occur, such as mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites. This is normal and usually disappears on its own within a few days. To promote recovery, it is advised to avoid heavy physical activity and exposure to direct sunlight during the first few days after the treatment.


Nasolabial fold fillers: Smooth and refreshed

Simply book your appointment online or walk in to feel the nice atmosphere and get information about our treatments.